Sunday, November 4, 2007

@ the Lib

Gots a test for Bio and Biostats on Thursday and Friday so I went to the main lib to hit the books. I fing love the main library. Theres so many people there that I always end up seeing at least 3 other people that I know. I used to think of this as a positive but now i've realized that I get a lot more shiz done when I'm up on the 5th floor by myself. Other thing I like is that theres really nothing else for me to do but study so thats what I do. So I went to the usual spot near the middle of the 5th floor and started reading my bio book. On the way to my spot I saw my bio lab partner studying for the Bio test. He's a cool kid but as I said before, I don't want anyone fucking with my shit while I'm studying. So I really awkwardly tried to hide my face with my notebook.

I was in the zone for like a half hour when this inconsiderate pack of obnoxious girls decide to congregate in the chairs 20-30 feet behind me. Why in the hell do you even go to the library if you are just gonna yell to your friends that are sitting immediately next to you about what happened this weekend. Ok so I sat there for like 5 minutes sizing up the situation. There was one girl who was clearly exhibiting her alpha female status over the group by yelling and controlling the overall pace of the conversation. She talked for about 80 percent of the time and I'm pretty sure all the other girls fucking hated her. Not only that, but she made her self look sooooo fucking lame in front of the whole floor.

She talked to one of her friends about her drinking escapades this weekend. I listened to the entire fucking story and felt like I was back in high school. "OMGZZZ I was soooo drunk that I just ate chex mix on the couch for like evvvver!" Then she explained how, "my parents are toooooootally cool with me drinking in college its like omg so cool." Maybe she goes to Iowa City high or something because this girl was clearly of sophmore in high school maturity level. After listening to her conversation for at least 10-15 minutes I was beginning to develop some sort of a non-verbal communication with the guy and girl studying across the hall. Whenever she would say something absolutely hilarious like, "OMG Roeper, the THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN GUY!" we would kind of just look over at each other and giggle then nod our heads as a sign acknowledgement. I'm telling you I was downright entertained by this girl. The group left after like an hour and the guy next to me verbally thanked them for peacing.

So now I got to get some studying done. I was reading about endotherms, ectotherms, ecology and a bunch of shit about animals. It really got me thinking. I'm really interested in this shit. I'm thinking I may try to get like an internship at a zoo or something this summer. That or maybe I will just play Pokemon a lot. I also had an epiphany while I was walking back from the library. If I had one wish from a genie it would be that Pokemon were real. Fuck all the money in the world, you can't make pokemon real with a badfsflieillion dollars. I think I would be really good at catching and training Pokemon in real life. I could also probably make a badfsflieillion dollars from catching rare Pokemon and selling them to Bill Gates/Donald Trump.


mouse said...

how about a halloween recap?

Winky said...

I didn't pay attention to anything that went down so it wouldn't be very accurate.