Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wink's Weekend

If anyone is still reading this I apologize for the lack of updates. I had a lot of studying to do because as fucked up as my brain may seem to be, I still have dreams. Heres a quick summary of what I did this weekend, and more importantly my thoughts/actions in certain situations.

Friday night was IHUC bowling nights. The majority of the people seemed to be completely sober. That was of course with the exception of Sanchez and the 2 Josh's. Josh was notably intoxicated and Sanchez was more in the state of "rockin and rollin" as I like to call it. Both were entertaining and made the night more fun.

After we got done with bowling Ashley drove Josh, Josh, Alex, Nick and I back to Josh Krulls. It was around 12ish and they were all sobering up so no one really wanted to start drinking. After we had passed the bong around like 3 times it ended up being cashed on me. Josh said I could pack another bowl with his bud so it was cool though. I wanted to chill for a couple minutes before doing it though so I had the bong like between my legs and the bud sitting on my lap while I was kind of zoning out and thinking about what kind of pet I want to have next year. About a minute later as I am still completely zoned out Andrea walks through the door with like 10 other people. If theres anything in the whole world that I didn't want it was for half of IHUC to show up ready to drink and play N64/Pong. I couldn't deal with that many people in a confined space at this point so I convinced Sanchez to split.

Nothing significant happened after this. We hit Pancheros for God knows why and I ended up only eating half of my burrito. I don't really get the munchies anymore, I just get the thirsties now.


At around 6ish Garret and I picked up my buddy Chris to buy some beer. I didn't want to break the bank by buying a case that would take up all the fridge space so I opted for a sixer of beer i knew I liked. Got a six pack of Killian's and now plan on keeping at least 2 or 3 different types of quality bottled beer on hand at all times. It was still really shitty weather at this point in time but I wanted to go out and drink since it's been a couple weeks. I went over to 737 Swishahouse at like 8:30 to play some beer pong and watch college football. While I was walking there I avoided being drenched by cars passing by twice. After the first dodge I realized I would rather poop my pants then get drenched by a car because if you poop your pants all you have to do is take off your boxers and go camo for the rest of the night. If you get drenched by a car its just bad news bears.

For the first 2 hours I pretty much chilled and tried not to make too big of a scene. It seems like every time I hit Swishahouse, someone ends up doing something that is usually embarrassing or fucking weird. Example A: Tom wrestling Nelson in the hall for like 10 minutes and then tearing down the huge Hillary Clinton sign and the porch screen door. Example B: Winky waking up with a belt tightly strapped around his ankles and a futon drenched in pee. Example C: Someone asked me where we should hid Kirsten's phone and I said up in the light of Andrews bedroom. Kirsten and John can't find the phone for 10 minutes, clip can be seen on facebook.

At like 12 o'clock Andrew came back from a date party and everyone started smoking. I originally wanted to go to the bars but no one else seemed down. I found my way into Andrews bedroom where I was greeted by 5 other people who immediately told me to "close the fucking door." A blizz was already rolled so I came in just at the right time to poach hits. We smoked 3 blunts before taking a quick break. Then we moved to Toe's room because Andrew's computer was in the main family room area. It was Kirsten, Ashley, Toe, Andrew and I chilling in Toe's room for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably longer. It was cool except that the girls kept playing fuckin Dave over and over again. Dave is drunk music, Lil Wayne is high/drunk music. Let's not mix up the two.

While listening to Dave I nearly fell asleep. I was zoned the fuck out and can't even imagine what my eyes looked like. I was having a great time but was interrupted by Andrew and Toe telling me to get the hell out because no one was gonna pass out in their rooms. I got up and stood outside the door for at least 5 minutes trying to compose myself. I couldn't stop giggling at nothing. After I felt like I got all the giggs out came more and more giggling. I tried to rationalize what I was doing in my head. I kept asking myself, "Winky what the fuck is so funny?" I could not answer that question and went into the bathroom to try to wash my eyes out a little bit while I was still giggling.

I came out of the bathroom and walked down the hall. I stopped right before the point where the family room type area is where the party was going on. I started giggling again and stood there hiding for 5 minutes thinking of how funny things are. I then bolted for the most secluded area of the room in the corner portion of the couch where I could hit myself. I sat there for a couple minutes enjoying the music. Nelson was playing a lot of Mashups which I got really into now. This is most likely because of the "Hearing music while high phenomenon." I sat there and chilled and then Tom sat next to me and we started talking about something. I must have sad something funny because whenever I looked over he was laughing hysterically.

I sat there for what seemed like 15 minutes but was probably more like a half hour. Someone rolled another blunt and was passing it around. It was attached to a water bottle so that you hit it from the end where you drink the water from. It was pretty cool, you would fill up the whole bottle with smoke then hit it, kind of like a bong without water. I was already starting to feel pretty paranoid and my heart was racing but I never pass up free bud so I ended up hitting this shit like 4 times. While we were smoking it like 3 or 4 girls came into the party. Conveniently, it seems that every time I am embarrassingly (word?) high people decide to show up.

I sat there afterwards thought about how fucking terrible I felt. My heart was racing, I couldn't stand up, and I was tired as fuck. I eventually saw a commercial that must have been really funny. I laughed hysterically for 2 minutes. My eyes were closed and my abs were in pain. While I was laughing I overheard everyone saying "OMG look how high Winek is." I was embarrassed for a little while but then I realized that my place at pretty much every small party at Swishahouse is the ridiculously high kid that everyone laughs at. If I wasn't there, who would fill the void?

After I composed myself by pretending that the cops were outside, Tom Nelson and I went to Falbos. I walked to Falbos with my eyes litterally closed. It's amazing that I didn't fall because pretty much every surface we walked on seemed to be frozen. When we got in there it was the regular Rasta man working the register. I tried to avoid eye contact which wasn't very hard considering my eyes were barley even open. I order 2 pieces of pep even though I wasn't very hungry. When we got back I ended up only eating 1 piece and the cheese and pepperoni topping from the other piece. Nice.

I then tried to pump myself up for walking home. It was around 2:30. Swishahouse, for those who don't know is on Gilbert street right by Liquor downtown. Wasn't exactly a far walk, but it would have been at least 10 minutes. There was no fucking way I was walking home.

I told Toe that I wanted to crash at Swisha and he told me I could sleep in Donivans sleeping bag. Toe knew I was too high to function so he got the sleeping bag and laid it down next to Andrews bed complete with a pillow. I remember that right before I laid down I thanked Toe for being such a good mom. I then passed out instantly and had a dream that I fucked Jessica Simpson in the bathroom of a Chinese restaurant. Woke up and walked back home. Also fell flat on my back while walking downhill on a patch of ice.

Overall a 6/10 weekend mostly because of the weather and lack of motivation to do anything on my part.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I finally made Winky's Thinkies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha i made it too.. not necessarily on the best terms though... still worth it.

Anonymous said...

favorite line:

"After I composed myself by pretending that the cops were outside, Tom Nelson and I went to Falbos."