Congratulations Red Sox fans, you have 2 World Series championships in the past 4 years to celebrate. Not too shabby. If you've stuck with your team through all the hardships of the 86 year drought then I have even more respect for you. The only thing I can't stand is that inevitable showing of dorks that have no clue what ERA stands for walking around Iowa City wearing articles of clothing from a team that just won something. Hell, have these kids couldn't name one Boston reliever, let alone 3 outfielders.
It comes with this fact that I present you a challenge. It's super easy to spot these guys, just look for a guy that doesn't usually wear a hat or looks like a sore thumb because he hasn't worn one since the Red Sox won the WS back in 04. Don't just let these schmucks waltz into class like they've been a Bosox fan their whole life, give them a fucking challenge. I challenge you to simply converse with a fair weather fan. Try to find out what makes them tick; what makes this fucked up practice that occurs year in and year out civilized to them. It is obscene that we let this shit go on.
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