Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just some quick thinkies

I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not the most efficient person in the world. Today, for example, I went to class for two and a half hours and then proceeded to waste an hour watching derrick comedy videos that I have already seen ten times each. This got me thinking: I do this shit a lot, I wonder how much time I've wasted in my life doing stupid shit.

Masturbating: I figure since I've been janking since 5th grade this should be a fairly high number. I'm going to make a rough estimate of the number of times I janked each week for each grade I was in. Then I'm going to multiply this number by 15 minutes, assuming a 15 minute jank fest. Then I'm going to add this result to the results of 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade and so on.
5th Grade: Once a Week X 52 Weeks X 15 minutes = 780 minutes or 13 hours.
Note that this does not include preparation time and trying to find pictures of hot girls
6th Grade: Twice a week X 52 Weeks X 15 minutes = 1560 minutes or 26 hours.
So a whole day.
7th Grade: 4 Times a Week X 52 Weeks X 15 Minutes = 3120 minutes or 52 hours.
8th Grade: 4 Times a Week X 52 Weeks X 20 Minutes = 4160 minutes or 69 hours.
Freshman Year: 14 Times a Week X 52 Weeks X 20 minutes = 14560 minutes or 242 hours
Thats almost an hour a day.
Sophomore Year: 14 Times a Week X 52 Weeks X 15 minutes = 10920 minutes or 182 hours
Focused a bit more on efficiency this year.
Junior Year: 10 times a Week X 52 Weeks X 15 minutes = 7800 minutes or 130 hours
Actually masturbated 14 times a week but my weener was broken for about a month - 2 months from January to March. (Story will eventually be a Thinky)
Senior Year: 14 times a week X 52 Weeks X 15 minutes = 10920 minutes or 182 hours
Back up to my regular quota
Freshman Year of College: Whenever Craig went to class (Once a Week) X 52 Weeks X 5 minutes = 260 minutes or 4 hours
Sophomore Year of College: Not yet completed so can not be included in this data set.

Total = 900 hours or 37.5 days. Were these wasted hours? You be the judge.
* It must be noted that over the summer my averages were much higher.

Playing Zelda Ocarina of Time:
Beaten the game once a year since 5th grade. First time I beat it I believe it said somewhere around 60 hours of in-game time which translates to more like 120 hours of play time.
Every other time I beat it, it took around 20 hours. So the math should be something like 120 + 20(8) = 280 hours. Were these wasted hours? Hell no. In fact, you could subtract 2 or 4 hours from the total of masturbation hours for the time I spent both playing Zelda and masturbating to the Great Fairies.

Time spent on Wikipedia:
Didn't start going on Wiki till like Senior year of high school. I'd say I only used it for like 10 hours in high school. Freshman year of college however, I spent at least 10 hours a week reading about discontinued flavors of Gatorade and the history of every fast food restaurant. So 10 times 52 plus the original 10 gives me about 530 hours or 22 days.

Time spent peeing:
I figure I've wasted hella time peeing. Pooping takes 3-10 minutes depending on what you ate and other intangibles. If I stopped just peeing on my own and instead peeing in the 3-10 minute window in which I am pooping I figure I could save at least 5 minutes a day. You know, kill 2 birds with one stone. If I would have started this plan when I was 2 and kept with it until now I would probably be like 3 years younger. I poop twice a day so the math should be something like: 2 X 5 minutes X 365 Days X 17 years = 62050 minutes, 1034 hours, 43 days WASTED peeing.

All this shit adds up. Ive wasted 43 + 22 + 11 + 37.5 days = 113.5 days. I guess the moral of the story is that Time is not wasted if you are doing something you love.


Anonymous said...

Why not jank while you're pooping/peeing? Your pants are already down and you have to wash your hands anyway.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You never, NEVER cease to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

That's what she said.